Treatment For Bed Bugs

Exterminating bed bugs should be left to a licensed, pest management professional.

Due to the hidden and resilient behaviors of bed bugs, elimination of them from homes can be challenging and not a good Do-It-Yourself project. However, if you decide to tackle this project yourself, here are a few guidelines to follow:

DIY Bed Bug Treatment Tips

  • When making applications to beds and furniture, only EPA insecticides labeled for bed bug (target pest) management on those items (target site) should be used. Great care should be taken when treating mattresses, box springs and upholstery to keep pesticide exposure to a minimum.
  • Allow for thorough drying before re-use.
  • DO NOT use the bed bug bombs! You will only make the infestation worse. The bombs push the bed bugs further into the walls, making it harder for the PMP to treat the area.
  • Infant's and infirm person's bedding and bed frames should not be treated with chemicals for bed bugs. They should be replaced with un-infested items.
  • When treating the bed for bed bugs, DO NOT treat the bed linens. They should be washed or dry-cleaned.
  • Mattresses and box springs should be treated selectively, not covered with insecticide. You want the insecticide to contact the bed bugs, not the people. You can treat the mattresses with steam heat since insecticides are not recommended.
  • Concentrate your efforts on tufts, folds, buttons, and edges where bed bugs could hide. When possible, treat inside box springs around the springs and coils. You will be more effective if you can take apart the bed frame and treat inside any hollow framework, cracks, and crevices for bed bugs. Again, the mattress should be thoroughly dried and if possible covered with a bed bug mattress cover before use.
  • Mattress and box spring encasements, that are approved and designed for bed bug prevention, will prevent direct contact with the residual insecticide on treated mattress and box spring. Additionally, due to the fact that these encasements can be removed, washed and reused, there is no need to throw infested mattresses and box springs away. The encasements are also designed to trap any bed bugs that may have been missed or will hatch after the treatment. They cannot bite through them, their zippers have small enough teeth to not allow them to escape, and other features helpful in bed bug control.
  • When vacuuming, pay particular attention to bed bug's hiding areas. Be careful, if not properly handled, vacuum contents will spread bed bugs throughout your home. DO NOT use the same vacuum in rooms adjacent to the infested with bed bugs room. Immediately collect the vacuum contents and carefully place them in tightly sealed double trash bags. These bags should be disposed of outside the building in a proper dumpster.