Habits of Bed Bugs:

  • Bed bugs come out at night for a blood meal. However, they are opportunistic insects and can take a blood meal during the day, especially in heavily infested areas.
  • Current studies indicate that bed bugs feed once a week if a host is available.
  • At each blood meal, bed bugs feed from three to 15 minutes, depending on their life stage. Furthermore, the size of fully engorged bed bugs can vary significantly; for example, the amount of blood taken by adult bed bugs at each meal can reach up to seven times their body weight; whereas, nymphs can take from 2-1/2 to 6 times their original weight.
  • After feeding, bed bugs move to secluded places in close proximity to the host and hide for 5-10 days. During this time, they do not feed but devote themselves to the digestion of their massive meal, mating and depositing of eggs by the female.
  • Bed bug bites are painless leaving the host unaware of their presence. However, in order to prevent blood from clotting, bed bugs secrete anticoagulant substances with their saliva into the wound while feeding. These substances will cause allergic reactions that vary depending on the individual. Some people will develop reddish, irritated itchy skin marks, while other may have blisters and necrotic spots of the skin.